Monday, November 24, 2008

K12Online Presentation by Scott McLeod on Disruptive Innovation

Leading the Change: Current leadership models are inadequate for disruptive innovations - In this session from the K12Online conference Dr. Scott McLeod explains the concepts Clayton Christensen puts forth in his books, The Innovator's Dilema and Disrupting Class. Whether you read Christensen's books or watch McLeod's presentation the concept of disruptive innovation and how it impacts education is a must read/see/hear for everyone involved in our profession.

1 comment:

Jim from MN said...

Scott McLeod did a great job summarizing the Christiansen thesis of technology and its "disruptive" influence on schools. I believe McLeod is correct in saying that technologies will only take hold and "disrupt" education only to the extent that they move the ball forward and make things better for kids and teachers. Schools are aligned to do things according to the present model--new technologies and their influence disrupts the old way and makes us think and do different.